A Simple Explanation Of 'the Internet Of Things'
The integration of smart devices in the built environment and how they might be used in future applications. The concept of the "Internet of Things" and the term itself, first appeared in a speech by Peter T. Lewis, to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 15th Annual Legislative Weekend in Washington, D.C, published in September 1985. According to Lewis, "The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the integration of people, processes and technology with connectable devices and sensors to enable remote monitoring, status, manipulation and evaluation of trends of such devices." IoT evolved from M2M communication, i.e., machines connecting to each other via a network without human interaction. Overall, we see the highest rates of agricultural value added per worker in across Europe, North America and New Zealand; in 2017, several countries had a value added per worker of $70,000. In comparison, most countries across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where the value ...